learning & change

Our name, Soji, comes from a Japanese concept meaning a short period of mindful practice. We believe that any change starts with the individual and takes dedication, mindfulness and commitment.

Many of us are redesigning our work practices at the moment and routines can be the key to unlock potential and performance.

What routines can you embed into your work or team?

We hope that the below thought starters can support a discussion for you with your team.

How might we embed a regular cadence of team practices that create transparency, improve collaboration and produce results?

Embed tools – Agree on systems that support crucial routines. Grow capability and encourage consistent use.

Iterate practice – Facilitate reflection, discussion about what works and how the team can evolve its practices.

Encourage transparency – Enable your team to work out loud. Help others to share their work product and make resources explicitly available to others who might benefit.

Improve meetings – Settle on a regular pattern of interaction, a meeting cadence that is fit for purpose. Set distinct roles and share the responsibilities.

Soji has been busy over the last month working with clients, helping leaders set up their teams for virtual working success. Please do reach out if you would like to know more about this.

We have created a Community of Practice, a private group on LinkedIn, where we can post content and learn more about Virtual Working. If you’d like to join click here!

Kind regards,

Jarrod and Emma

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