learning & change

Elevate Remote Wellbeing series – Intro

Soji and the brilliant Guy Downes and Paul Armstrong have come together to create a short-clips series about wellbeing. We hope that you enjoy them. When it comes to wellbeing, little things can make a big difference.

Looking to create your own short clips? Reach out to us to clarify a vision, align a team or build momentum around a change. www.sketchspeak.com.au

Curious to read more about the research and theory behind these tips see our reading list:

Goal setting – Locke and Latham

Flow – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Motivation – Dan Pink, David Rock, Angela Duckworth

Happiness – Martin Seligman, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Carol Dweck, Russ Harris

Habits – Charles Duhigg, BJ Fogg

Social Intelligence – Daniel Goleman, Susan Scott


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