Five Disciplines of Successful Teams
Navigating the Art of Collaboration
Amidst the dynamic landscape of organisations, teams serve as the driving force behind progress. But how can leaders elevate a group of individuals into a seamlessly functioning, high-achieving team? Dr. Peter Hawkins, a prominent figure in organisational development, offers some insight with his Disciplines of Successful Team Practice, which are introduced below with strategies for bringing them to life.
How the Disciplines are Organised
The disciplines sit upon a matrix delineating team product, process, and internal versus external focus.
Team product refers to what the team is to create and is concerned with its mandate, purpose, vision, mission, priorities, goals, etc.
Team process refers to how the team will go about its work and is concerned with ways of working, culture and interactions that the team uses to achieve its goals.
Internal orientation refers to the team’s inward focus on its goals and working methods.
External orientation refers to the team’s focus on its external environment, such as customers, stakeholders, and the broader organisational context.
Commissioning: Setting Sail with Purpose
Imagine a ship embarking on a voyage. Before hoisting the sails, the crew must know their destination. Similarly, teams need a commission—a clear purpose and scope. Commissioning is the first discipline, and it’s all about defining the team’s mandate. Why do we exist? What are we here to achieve? What value must we create? How does our mission align with the organisation’s goals? Without a well-defined commission, teams risk drifting aimlessly.
Strategy 1: Capture the Mandate: Define a precise mission statement. Work with the commissioning manager to define and capture their expectations of the team’s purpose and reason for being.
Strategy 2: Align Stakeholders: Gather the team and stakeholders for a visioning session. Discuss the team’s purpose and goals and how they align with organisational objectives. Encourage open dialogue and ensure everyone feels ownership of the team’s mission.
Strategy 3: Check-In Regularly: Periodically revisit the team’s purpose with key stakeholders. Is it still relevant? Has anything changed? Regularly assess and adjust as needed. A dynamic commission keeps the team focused.
Clarifying: Unraveling the Purpose Puzzle
Clarifying involves creating a shared understanding of collective purpose, defined roles, and critical goals within the team. Why does this team exist? What specific outcomes do we seek? Who plays what role? By answering these questions, teams align their efforts and foster a sense of collective purpose.
Strategy 1: Build Role Clarity: Host workshops to clarify individual roles within the team. Discuss responsibilities, decision-making authority, and how everyone contributes. Ensure everyone understands their part.
Strategy 2: Use Visual Cues: Create visual aids like process maps or role diagrams and display them prominently in team spaces. Visual cues reinforce clarity and serve as reference points.
Strategy 3: Share Defining Stories: Share stories illustrating the team’s purpose. Use real examples during team meetings. Stories resonate and help embed clarity.
Co-creating: The Art of Collective Genius
Co-creation is about joint decision-making and problem-solving. Teams co-create their processes, norms, and solutions. By involving everyone, teams tap into diverse perspectives and enhance creativity.
Strategy 1: Encourage Diversity: Assemble cross-functional teams with diverse backgrounds and skills. Encourage brainstorming sessions where everyone contributes ideas. Diversity sparks creativity.
Strategy 2: Use Collaborative Design: Introduce design thinking techniques. Ideate, prototype, and iterate together. Collaborate to create processes, norms, and solutions.
Strategy 3: Fail Fast, Learn Faster: Create a safe space for experimentation. Encourage risk-taking. When something doesn’t work, extract learnings. Failures become stepping stones to success.
Design and Implement Effective Processes and Shared Practices: This discipline emphasises the importance of designing and implementing effective processes and shared practices that enhance collaboration, innovation, and performance.
Connecting: Beyond Team Borders
Connecting is about extending impact. Teams engage with stakeholders, other teams, and the broader organisation. They share insights, learnings, and enthusiasm, creating a collaborative network that enhances their influence.
Strategy 1: Apoint Ambassadors: Set up liaisons to represent your team’s values and advocate for your mission and achievements. Establish connections with other teams and share narratives about your impact.
Strategy 2: Deploy Scouts: Encourage your team to explore new opportunities, trends, and insights. Connect with external resources and networks. Innovate by identifying novel approaches and sharing findings.
Strategy 3: Develop Partnerships: Collaborate with other teams, departments, or external organisations to achieve common goals. Foster synergies and align objectives with partners through strategic thinking.
Core Learning: The Team That Evolves Together
The heartbeat of a successful team lies in its ability to learn and adapt. Teams reflect on experiences, celebrate victories, and learn from setbacks. They become more than the sum of their parts. It’s not just about individual growth; it’s collective evolution.
Strategy 1: Run Retrospectives and Reviews: Conduct retrospectives regularly after completing projects or milestones. Reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Capture lessons learned and apply them to future endeavours.
Strategy 2: Engage in Peer Coaching and Mentoring: Encourage team members to mentor each other. Pair up individuals with complementary skills. Peer coaching accelerates learning and builds a culture of continuous improvement.
Strategy 3: Experiment and Innovate: Create a safe space for experimentation. Encourage team members to try new approaches, technologies, or ways of working. Celebrate both successes and “intelligent failures.”
Dr Hawkins’ Five Disciplines empower teams to align, execute, collaborate, expand, and evolve. So, whether you’re leading a startup, managing a research project, or captaining a sports team, remember the secret lies in mastering these disciplines.
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