learning & change

Design Principles

Design principles provide a framework for a team during a design thinking project. They help establish common ground, provide a shared understanding of what is essential and guide decision-making throughout the design process.

Here are some things to consider when facilitating a session to help a group agree on collaborative design principles.

  1. Define goal and scope: Capture the core focus question the design initiative needs to explore, together with any well-understood boundaries for the work. This step will help establish the context and purpose and ensure everyone is on the same page.
  2. Assemble a team: Assemble a diverse group of interested parties to contribute. In addition to the core design team, it can sometimes be helpful to include a wide range of perspectives when developing design principles.
  3. Generate ideas: Introduce the notion of design principles as essential guiding concepts for the work and give some examples. Invite participants to share their thoughts on what might be included. This step will help build a mutual understanding of various stakeholder priorities and create a common language for expressing the design principles. Example principles: https://principles.design/examples/
  4. Synthesise concepts: Synthesise the ideas and identify themes. Look for commonalities and overlap in the ideas shared by the group. Discuss the themes and encourage participants to clarify and refine the ideas they contributed.
  5. Finalise principles: Once the group has narrowed down the essential ideas, define them clearly and finalise them. Use language that is accessible and easy to understand. Ask for feedback and clarification to ensure everyone understands the principles.
  6. Communicate and use: Use a written document or a visual representation. Ensure that everyone can access the principles and understand their significance. Come back to these principles throughout the design process to ensure aligned progress.

A well-planned and executed workshop can help establish clear and actionable design principles. By encouraging collaborative discussion and documenting the outcomes, you can set the stage for a successful design project that meets the needs of all stakeholders.

To find out more about how to up skill your leaders in leading collaborative design or for support with your next codesign project, reach out to us via info@soji.com.au.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash



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