Monthly Archives: April 2024

learning & change

The Power of Systems Thinking in Collaborative Design


Systems Thinking is an approach that helps groups to understand complex systems by examining their patterns, relationships, and influences. It allows groups to gain a deeper shared understanding of the bigger picture and how different elements interact with each other, which can lead to innovative solutions and effective change.


What is a System?

A system is an interconnected set of elements organised to achieve a goal. Every system, whether the human body or a sports team, has unique components, connections, and objectives. For instance, the digestive system comprises various organs that work together to break down food and extract nutrients.


Systems Thinking Principles

These principles can provide insight and understanding to help navigate complex systems effectively.



A system should be viewed as a whole rather than a collection of parts. This principle emphasises understanding the entirety of a system, recognising that its components interact and contribute to its overall behaviour. Just as a cat’s behaviour cannot be fully grasped by examining its organs, a system’s functioning is best understood as a cohesive entity.


All parts are interconnected, and each part relies on something else to survive. Just as humans depend on air, food, and water, systems rely on various elements for their existence. This interconnectedness fosters feedback loops, wherein changes in one part of the system can reverberate throughout, either reinforcing or balancing its states. Acknowledging these interdependencies is crucial for comprehending a system’s dynamics.


Systems are nonlinear, and understanding how feedback works is vital. Feedback mechanisms play a crucial role in regulating system behaviour, either amplifying or dampening changes within the system. By recognising and analysing feedback loops, one can gain insight into the system’s stability and adaptability, thereby facilitating effective interventions or adjustments.


Complex behaviour can arise from the interaction of simple components. Much like how new conditions emerge from the interaction of elements within a system, complex behaviours or properties can emerge from the interplay of its constituent parts. This principle underscores the importance of considering emergent phenomena when studying or managing systems, as they may exhibit behaviours not readily predictable from the characteristics of their individual components.

Multiple Perspectives: 

Considering different perspectives can lead to better systems initiatives. Embracing multiple perspectives allows for deepening the shared understanding of a system. By incorporating diverse viewpoints, stakeholders can uncover hidden dynamics, identify potential risks or opportunities, and develop more robust strategies for managing or improving the system. This principle encourages inclusivity and collaboration, recognising the value of varied expertise and experiences in tackling complex systemic challenges.


Systems Mapping Activity

Causal loop diagrams are valuable aids in visualising and understanding systemic dynamics. These diagrams delineate the subtle relationships between variables, illuminating feedback loops, delays, and emergent behaviours within a system. Through collaborative exploration, teams can gain deeper insights into the systemic forces at play, paving the way for informed decision-making and strategic interventions.



Draft a problem statement, gather the team, organise the venue, prepare materials, and circulate any prereading before the session to ensure everyone is well-prepared.

  • Draft problem statement – We typically use the How Might We… format. Your statement might change during the session, but having a starting point to focus attention is useful.
  • Gather the team – You can run this collaborative activity with groups as small as three and for as many as your space allows. The sweet spot is between 5 and 8 people. So once you have over eight, divide participants into subteams. Think about forming a well-rounded team with diverse perspectives, strong commitment, and practical insights. The ideal participants for a system mapping activity should be:
    • deeply informed about the problem; 
    • directly impacted by the outcomes; 
    • genuinely interested in the topic; 
    • personally invested in its success; 
    • And likely to play a role in implementing the solutions. 
  • Organise the venue – You need a venue that allows enough space for subgroups to gather comfortably around tables while also being able to see each other and the facilitator at a central point.
  • Prepare materials – Preprinted systems circle canvas for each subgroup. We recommend A1 size at a minimum. If you have to work with groups larger than 8, the A0 size works better. Participants each required a pack of small sticky notes and a thin black marker. Each subgroup needs 3-4 thin coloured markers, one thick highlighter, and a pack of large rectangular sticky notes.
  • Circulate prereading – Before the session, share the aim, agenda and any additional prereading. Depending on the issue’s complexity, the participants’ background understanding, and the time you have for the session, you may need to circulate prereading. However, our preference is to keep this to a minimum. If you have to explain too much of the issue, you may not have the right people in the session.


Step 1: Welcome and Open | 15 – 30m

Bring the group together, share the purpose (using your issue or opportunity statement), and confirm timings. Outline the activity process, desired outcomes, and how this activity fits into any broader initiatives. Run a check-in activity and invite everyone to share a word or two, commenting on the goal and the process or behaviours that will be important to make the session successful.


Step 2: Deciding the Arena | 5-15m

This step further defines the exploration arena. It involves groups selecting a specific system, arena, or problem space to explore together. With larger groups, you might explicitly invite subgroups to focus their work on different aspects of the larger problem/opportunity.

You can share a springboard story to better orient the group to the problem space, invite key speakers to share different perspectives to inspire new thinking, or dive straight in and allocate problem/opportunity statements to each group as their arena.


Step 3: Capture the Elements | 5-15m

With the arena defined, participants begin brainstorming the various elements or variables that make up the system. Define elements as things in the system that can increase or decrease and be measured somehow. On small sticky notes, participants jot down elements and place them around the circle on the canvas. 

Here’s a template you can use; Systems Links Canvas.

Give some relevant examples to bring the concept alive. Things like “customer satisfaction,” “stock level,” or “communication transparency” can all increase or decrease. Another way of thinking about these elements is as things you can measure: time, quality, volume, ratios, costs, numbers, etc.

Explain that the goal is to quickly generate a list of elements or variables related to the chosen system. Have participants use the write, stick, say method to capture elements. Set up the activity as generative, not evaluative. You don’t have to agree on the elements at this stage; just capture them. Explain that you are going for volume quickly and that the groups will have a chance to check quality and refine it later. Explain the three steps. If you think of an element, write it on a note, stick it on the canvas and then say what you wrote out loud – don’t explain it, just read it out. This process limits duplicates, invites balanced contribution, enables builds and alterations from each other’s thinking and generates a high volume of outputs in a short period by removing the evaluation element.

Check understanding, set groups on their task and monitor time. You want all groups to have around 20 elements on their canvas. Once they do, have them go back and check the quality of their elements. Ensure they are written neutrally as a measure that could increase or decrease. If the group has more than can comfortably fit around the circle canvas, have them deprioritise a few.


Step 4: Connect the Elements | 20m

Once the variables have been identified, participants move on to the next step: drawing connections to show causation. Describe the two different causal links and show how to represent each. Same direction relationships are where one variable moves in a direction and the other moves in the same direction. Represent these by drawing a line connecting the variables with an arrowhead at one end to show direction and an (S) symbol to show the type of causation. For example, in the case of smoking and lung cancer, same direction relationships would be represented by an arrow pointing from the smoking variable to the lung cancer variable, indicating that as smoking increases, the risk of lung cancer also increases.

Use an (O) symbol to represent opposite direction relationships. These show situations where one variable changes and another changes in the opposite direction. For instance, when studying the relationship between exercise and weight, we show an opposite direction relationship with an arrow pointing from the exercise variable to the weight variable, indicating that increasing exercise leads to a corresponding decrease in weight. 

When they identify elements with causal connections but the action and impact seem delayed, explain that this can be shown by drawing two parallel lines across the connection, indicating a pause. [//]

Invite groups to start drawing in their connections and discussing them as they do. Once again, give permission for groups to draw multiple connections that they might not all agree on. Explain that the discussion here is most important, and the purpose is to raise collective awareness and understanding of not only what actually happens in the system but also what each other thinks happens in the system.

Check understanding, set groups on their task and monitor time. You want all groups to have made many connections on their canvas.

During this step, you guide the group in stages. The first stage is to ensure they understand and can represent the different types of causation. The next stage is for them to all be engaged and draw potential connections between variables. The final stage is encouraging them to start capturing multi-point causation stories. This is where one variable impacts another, which then impacts a third, etc.


Step 5: Notice the Trends | 10-20m

As the diagram takes shape, participants step back to observe the emerging patterns and trends. They look for feedback loops—cycles of cause and effect that either reinforce or balance each other within the system. These loops may reveal areas of growth or stagnation, as well as potential leverage points for intervention.

This point in the process is an opportunity to explore system archetypes. A system archetype is a pattern or structure that helps us understand how a complex system behaves. It is a valuable tool for identifying issues and solutions in a system. Different types of archetypes describe different relationships and behaviours within a system. Understanding these patterns can help teams address problems more effectively. If you have this background knowledge, you can bring it in and invite participants to identify potential archetypes in play. If not, keep the discussion general and ask the group to notice patterns of repeated behaviour that seem important. Here are some questions to ask groups to consider:

  • What recurring patterns or trends seem most significant?
  • Are there any variables or relationships that have a disproportionate impact on the system as a whole?
  • Are there any elements in the map that influence each other in a circular or feedback loop?
  • Can you describe any instances where the system behaves in a way that surprises you or goes against expectations?
  • Based on the observed patterns, are parts of the system particularly resilient or vulnerable?
  • Can you identify any areas of growth or stagnation based on the feedback loops you see?
  • Do any elements in the system counterbalance each other? How might this affect the system’s behaviour?
  • Do you see any similarities between the observed behaviour of the system and known system archetypes?
  • How might understanding these patterns help us address challenges or identify opportunities for intervention within the system?


Step 6: Capture Insights | 10-20m

Finally, participants discuss and capture insights gleaned from the Systems Mapping exercise. They reflect on the relationships and feedback loops identified, considering how they might impact the system’s functioning as a whole. Through this dialogue, participants uncover new perspectives, insights, and potential next steps for driving positive change. Have them discuss and capture their responses to questions like these:

  • What did you learn from mapping the system together?
  • What are the most critical insights to take into action?
  • What tangible steps might we take to make a positive impact?


Step 7: Review and Close | 15-30m

As the Systems Mapping activity ends, participants gather for a final debrief. Invite them to reflect and capture their final thoughts about the topic, collaborative experience, or next steps. Run a final checkout activity to share their final thoughts. Thank the group, link to the next steps in the broader initiative, and close the session.


Harnessing the Power of Systems Thinking

Through activities like Systems Mapping, participants can unlock a deeper understanding of their systems, uncovering insights to drive meaningful change and innovation.

To find out more about how to upskill your leaders in facilitation, codesign or for support with your next codesign project, reach out to us via

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learning & change

Collaboration Unlocked: A Guide to Effective Facilitation

Inclusive conversations that enable diverse perspectives to work together are critical in today’s workplaces. 

Facilitation is a process in which an individual or group helps others to understand their shared objectives and assists them in working to achieve these objectives without taking a particular position in the discussion. A facilitator acts as a neutral guide, managing group dynamics and ensuring that discussions are productive, inclusive, and focused on achieving goals. 

This facilitation toolkit is a resource designed for individuals who want to enhance their facilitation skills and create engaging meetings, workshops, and events.


This section focuses on setting the stage for an effective facilitation engagement by understanding client needs, setting clear expectations, exploring context, planning logistics, and confirming the approach.

Clarify Need:

Uncover the group’s fundamental needs by actively listening and discerning opportunities to create value through facilitation. Aligning efforts with overarching objectives lays the groundwork for meaningful engagement.

  • Ask open-ended questions: to gain a deeper understanding of their needs, expectations and opportunities to create value. 
  • Listen actively: pay close attention, ask follow-up questions, and demonstrate understanding to build rapport and trust. 
  • Encourage a systemic view: Invite your key stakeholders to consider the bigger picture and long-term elements of the situation.

Agree Scope: 

Establish clear expectations and break down complex issues into manageable segments. This activity paves the way for commitment and progress for the initiative and offers a tangible roadmap for collaboration.

  • Set out the boundaries of the engagement in terms of aim, timeline, investment, participants and assumptions.
  • Explain your understanding of the scope to your key stakeholders, and discuss and refine as needed.
  • Get explicit permission to proceed with the engagement based on the agreed-upon scope. Only proceed once key parties are clear and aligned.

Explore Context: 

Dive into the broader context, identifying additional stakeholders and comprehensively understanding the landscape. Informed decision-making and effective collaboration stem from this foundational understanding.

  • Conduct a stakeholder and situational analysis, identifying contextual factors through discussions and desktop research.
  • Organise a field visit or immersion experience to gain firsthand insight into the context and challenges stakeholders face.
  • Send out pre-session surveys to gauge participant expectations and areas of interest, tailoring the approach accordingly.

Plan Event: 

Pay meticulous attention to logistical details, ensuring a seamless facilitation process. From resource allocation to venue logistics, thorough planning sets the stage for productive discussions.

  • Create a detailed event plan that includes timings, venue logistics, materials, and attendees. 
  • Consider attendees’ needs and preferences to ensure everyone has a positive experience and feels valued.
  • Develop contingency plans for potential disruptions, such as technology failures or unexpected weather conditions, to mitigate risks proactively.

Confirm Approach: 

Check with stakeholders to reaffirm alignment and maintain momentum toward shared goals. This ongoing dialogue ensures responsiveness to evolving needs and priorities.

  • Before the initial session, confirm the planned approach with your key stakeholders. Give them the opportunity to share any additional information that might impact your plan.
  • Schedule regular check-in meetings with stakeholders to review progress, address concerns, and refine strategies based on feedback.
  • Conduct a mid-project review session to evaluate the effectiveness of current strategies and make adjustments as needed to stay aligned with goals.


This phase is about designing the collaborative experience. Facilitators structure the collaboration by orienting the group, stimulating thinking, evaluating data, committing to action, and confirming progress. Here are some things to think about when designing sessions.

Orient to Topic: 

Establish trust and clarity by defining the session’s purpose and expectations upfront. This foundational step empowers participants to contribute meaningfully and sets the tone for productive discussions. 

  • Kick off the session with an icebreaker or opener activity to connect the participants to the topic and each other.
  • Use storytelling to introduce the session’s purpose and objectives, engaging participants emotionally.
  • Frame the session as a collaborative problem-solving challenge, highlighting the collective impact of participants’ contributions.

Generate Thinking: 

Foster creativity and innovation by encouraging diverse perspectives and thought-provoking activities. Cultivating a culture of open dialogue fuels idea generation and enriches collaborative outcomes.

  • Facilitate a brainstorming session using mind-mapping techniques to capture and organise ideas visually.
  • Incorporate a gallery walk activity where participants rotate to different stations, contributing their thoughts and insights on each topic.
  • Introduce a random stimulus, such as a thought-provoking quote or image, to inspire creativity and spark new perspectives.

Evaluate Data: 

Design structured processes for evaluating and prioritising outputs, grounding discussions in evidence and feasibility. This data-driven approach informs informed decision-making and fosters effective collaboration.

  • Use a weighted scoring system to prioritise ideas based on criteria such as interest, impact, and alignment with objectives.
  • Review ideas by considering feasibility, viability, and desirability to inform decision-making.
  • Create a decision matrix to compare options, assigning scores based on cost, time, and resource requirements.

Commit to Action: 

Translate discussions into actionable outcomes through concrete action plans and accountability mechanisms. Transforming ideas into tangible steps drives progress forward and ensures implementation.

  • Facilitate a goal-setting session where participants define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives for each action item.
  • Assign accountability partners or small teams to specific tasks, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration.
  • Develop a visual progress tracker, such as a Gantt chart or Kanban board, to monitor action items and milestones throughout the project.

Confirm progress: 

Design the session to enable regular check-ins on progress and solicit feedback to ensure the group feels they are heading in the right direction. This iterative approach allows for necessary adjustments and course corrections along the way.

  • Conduct regular check-ins: Plan opportunities to ask questions and soliciting feedback from the group. This will help to identify any issues or challenges that need to be addressed and will allow for necessary adjustments and course corrections along the way.
  • Use visual signposts: Charts, roadmaps and agendas can be used to track progress and provide a clear picture of how the work is progressing.
  • Use a feedback system: Invite participants to quickly share their comfort with pace and pitch by either using hand signals or by placing a sticky note onto a poster.


During facilitation, the emphasis is on guiding the process, maintaining focus, energising dynamics, challenging thinking, and capturing outputs.

Focus Attention: 

Reaffirm objectives throughout the session to maintain group alignment and prevent distractions. This will ensure that the discussions stay on track and productive and ultimately lead to the desired outcomes.

  • Raise the stakes: Draw in sponsors, use stories and visual aids to help communicate the importance of the discussion and create a sense of urgency and commitment.
  • Establish a Contract: Set up clear expectations around roles and responsibilities for all participants and invite them to commit.
  • Show up with intention: Take deep breaths to center yourself and maintain good eye contact, speak clearly and confidently, and actively listen during the discussion. Set the tone for the discussion by bringing gravity to how you show up.

Guide Process: 

Strike a balance between building rapport and maintaining accountability within the group. Fostering a supportive yet structured environment enables constructive discussions and effective decision-making.

  • Incorporate structured facilitation techniques, such as round-robin or fishbowl discussions, to ensure equitable participation and diverse perspectives.
  • Assign rotating facilitator, timekeeper or note-taker roles to team members, empowering everyone to take ownership of the discussion and maintain momentum.
  • Use visual facilitation aids, such as mind maps or concept maps, to visually represent complex ideas and enhance understanding among participants.

Energise Dynamic: 

Monitor energy levels and incorporate variation into sessions to maintain engagement and momentum. Introducing breaks, interactive activities, and changes in pace keeps participants energised and focused.

  • Monitor Energy Levels: Observe participants’ body language, facial expressions, and engagement levels to assess if they are feeling tired or disengaged. This will help you to adapt the session format and keep the momentum going.
  • Adapt the Format: Be flexible and prepared to adapt the session format to meet the needs of participants. Incorporate energising activities like stretching breaks or interactive tasks to help boost their energy levels if the group is feeling lethargic.
  • Model Energy: Set the tone for the session by modelling positive energy and enthusiasm. Be engaged, upbeat, and responsive to the needs of the group to help foster a supportive and energising environment that keeps participants engaged and motivated.

Challenge Thinking: 

Promote critical thinking and innovation by encouraging curiosity and embracing diverse viewpoints. Creating an environment where participants feel empowered to explore new ideas enriches collaborative outcomes.

  • Facilitate a debate-style discussion where participants are assigned opposing viewpoints, encouraging critical thinking and perspective-taking.
  • Incorporate “what-if” scenarios or hypothetical questions to encourage participants to explore alternative perspectives and consider unconventional solutions.
  • Invite guest speakers or subject matter experts to share insights and provoke thought-provoking discussions on relevant topics.

Capture Outputs: 

Document key insights and decisions to ensure progress is recorded and can be revisited as needed. This documentation aids in future planning and decision-making, fostering continuous improvement.

  • Assign a dedicated note-taker to document critical insights and action items during the session, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
  • Use collaborative digital tools such as Google Docs or Trello boards to capture real-time input from participants and facilitate ongoing collaboration.
  • Implement a visual recording method such as graphic recording or sketchnoting to capture ideas and concepts in a visually engaging format.

Facilitators can navigate the complexities of group dynamics with finesse by employing the facilitation toolkit across these three essential sections—Engage, Design, and Facilitate. Each area is vital in creating an environment where collaboration flourishes, ideas thrive, and meaningful outcomes are achieved. Whether leading a team meeting, a brainstorming session, or a strategic planning workshop, embracing these strategies ensures transformative results.

To find out more about how to upskill your leaders in facilitation or codesign or for support with your next codesign project, reach out to us via

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learning & change

A Feedback Toolkit for Growth and Empowerment

Feedback – it’s a word that often triggers mixed emotions. Some see it as an opportunity for growth, while others may find it intimidating or even demoralising. However, regardless of how we perceive it, feedback is essential for personal and professional development. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of giving and receiving feedback effectively, exploring how it can foster trust, transparency, and personal accountability in any environment.

Why Quality Feedback Matters

A lack of meaningful feedback can make your professional journey feel aimless and ineffective. This uncertainty restricts your progress and diminishes your motivation and engagement. 

High-quality feedback acts as a guide, directing us towards our goals and highlighting areas that need improvement. When given with empathy and understanding, it builds trust and strengthens relationships. However, ineffective feedback that lacks empathy can cause defensiveness and communication breakdowns, ultimately hindering personal and organisational growth.

The Elements of a Great Feedback Conversation

To harness the power of feedback, we must cultivate a culture that values open dialogue and constructive criticism. Here are five key elements that pave the way for meaningful feedback conversations:

  1. Gain Permission: Initiate feedback discussions with mutual consent, fostering an environment where both parties feel empowered to share their perspectives. Establishing clear expectations upfront creates a foundation for open communication and collaboration.
  2. Establish Facts: Focus on objective observations rather than subjective interpretations. By articulating specific behaviours without judgment, we encourage receptivity and minimise defensiveness. Additionally, consider external factors that may influence behaviour, demonstrating empathy and understanding.
  3. Clarify Impact: Acknowledge the personal impact of behaviour while maintaining objectivity. Share how actions have affected you directly, using “I” statements to convey subjective experiences. This approach promotes empathy and facilitates a deeper understanding of the consequences of one’s actions.
  4. Make Request: Encourage dialogue by inviting the other party to share their perspective and insights. Avoid adopting a confrontational stance and instead foster a collaborative atmosphere where both parties feel valued and respected. By framing requests as opportunities for growth, we inspire accountability and initiative.
  5. Follow Through: Conclude feedback conversations with a recap of key points and agreements. Clarify expectations for future actions and offer support as needed to ensure follow-through. By reaffirming our commitment to the feedback process, we reinforce accountability and promote continuous improvement.

Embracing a Culture of Feedback

In embracing these principles, we enhance our ability to give and receive feedback and cultivate a culture of growth and empowerment. By fostering open dialogue, empathy, and accountability, we create an environment where individuals feel valued, supported, and motivated to reach their full potential.

So, the next time you find yourself on either side of a feedback conversation, remember the power of constructive criticism in driving personal and professional growth. Embrace curiosity, empathy, and collaboration, and watch as feedback transforms from a daunting challenge into a catalyst for positive change. 

In summary:

  1. Get Permission – Ask others to opt into structured feedback routines to support growth.
  2. Establish the Facts – Start with specific, objective data rather than vague and subjective inferences.
  3. Clarify the Impact – Clarify the broader implications and establish a compelling reason for change.
  4. Make the Request –Set out expectations and ask for what you want to happen next. 
  5. Follow Through – Make plans tangible, remove potential barriers and follow through on promises.

To find out more about how to up skill your leaders in feedback conversations, reach out to us via

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learning & change

Foster Shared Accountability

Leaders can foster a culture of shared accountability by empowering their teams to take ownership of their work and work towards common goals. With shared responsibility, everyone is aligned towards the organisation’s priorities. This article explores practical steps to foster accountability in teams and workgroups.

Step 1Focus Attention on what is most important

Identify and prioritise crucial objectives that align with the organisation’s mission and purpose. Exceptional execution starts with narrowing the focus and identifying what must be done. When teams juggle too many objectives, it is easy to lose sight of what is most important.

Leadership is about enabling others to execute toward a shared purpose. Of course, teams need to produce outcomes, but the leader’s job is to grow production capability. Leaders must enhance a team’s ability to perform, not just maintain the status quo. So, if the team is not achieving anything more than reacting to their daily churn, then leadership is irrelevant.

To build production capability, teams must answer the question:

“Over and above the whirlwind of our day-to-day job, what is the one goal that, if achieved, would make the biggest positive difference to the team’s performance and satisfaction?”

This focused goal should be a tangible measure that brings the team together and represents an aspect of the team’s work, the one area that offers the most significant opportunity to make a difference. Teams should craft a goal that represents their most critical gap and then create a clear finish line using the format ‘from x(baseline) to y(target) by when(due date).’

Step 2Leverage Action with lead measuresIdentify and take action for the highest leverage.

Eighty percent of your results will come from 20 percent of your activities. This practice is about placing a strategic bet on which behaviours that are within your control to influence are most likely to impact your focused goal.

Teams often focus on lag measures. These performance metrics are essential to track but difficult to influence as they point to something that has already happened.

On the other hand, lead measures are the most predictive of goal achievement. They are much easier to influence as they describe behaviours within the teams’ control. Finding the right lead measure can take some work, as they are not always obvious or easy to measure.

Step 3: Make it visual to engage and inspire. Create a visible and motivating scoreboard to track progress. 

People and teams play differently when they are keeping score. A visual reminder of the team’s goals and progress brings everyone together and creates a game of the work. 

A compelling scoreboard must be simple, show real-time progress on lead and lag measures, and let players see whether they are winning at a glance.

Step 4Check-in and commit to taking things forward. Run a weekly routine to highlight successes, analyse failures, and course-correct as necessary.

In a meeting no longer than 30 minutes, gather the team and complete these three steps: 

  1. Each team member reports if they met last week’s commitments.
  2. The team discusses if the commitments moved the lead or lag measures on the scoreboard.
  3. Each team member makes a new commitment for the upcoming week.

By following these straightforward steps, leaders can create a high-performance culture and increase strategic execution within their teams. Remember, the key to successful execution is understanding these disciplines and implementing them consistently and effectively.

To find out more about how to upskill your leaders in fostering shared accountability, reach out to us via

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learning & change

Navigating Complexity

In the ever-evolving workplace landscape, leaders often face complex and multifaceted decisions. The Cynefin Framework, a decision-making tool developed by Dave Snowden in 1999, empowers leaders with a structured approach to understanding these challenges and making informed decisions, instilling confidence in their abilities.

The Cynefin Framework sorts issues into five distinct domains, each representing a different type of system:

  1. Clear: This domain is characterised by stability and clear cause-and-effect relationships. The correct answer is often self-evident, and leaders must make sense of the situation, then categorise it and respond accordingly.
  2. Complicated: This is the domain of experts. It contains multiple potentially good responses, and while there is a clear relationship between cause and effect, it may only be apparent to some. Leaders must engage experts to senseanalyse, and respond.
  3. Complex: In the complex domain, we can’t determine the right answers upfront. Clarity forms as patterns emerge over time. Leaders can probe with safe-to-fail experiments and gather more data to sense and respond based on new insights, which helps them feel more comfortable dealing with ambiguity.
  4. Chaotic: Cause and effect relationships are impossible to determine due to constant shifts. Leaders must act to establish order, sense where stability is present, and then respond to transform the situation from chaos to complexity.
  5. Disorder: This applies when it is unclear which of the other four contexts is predominant. The way out is to break the situation into its constituent parts and assign each to one of the other four realms.

The Cynefin Framework equips leaders with a nuanced understanding of different problem contexts, fostering adaptability in their decision-making. By recognising the nature of the situation, leaders can navigate through complexity with confidence and clarity, ensuring that their choices are as effective and impactful as possible.

As your leadership experience grows and your span of control widens, you’ll have more opportunities to approach issues and shift them between domains proactively. Here are some things to consider.

Avoiding Complacency to Prevent Chaos: 

In the simple domain, the focus is on avoiding complacency and continuously monitoring the situation to prevent unexpected shifts into chaos. This involves staying vigilant, regularly assessing conditions, and addressing issues promptly to maintain stability.

Standardisation to Shift to Simplicity:

In the complicated domain, the emphasis is on standardising processes and procedures to simplify the problem. Identifying patterns and establishing best practices can shift the issue into the simple domain where cause-and-effect relationships are transparent and manageable.

Experimentation to Uncover Patterns: 

In the complex domain, the focus is on experimenting with various approaches to uncover underlying patterns and dynamics. Learning from these experiments develops a deeper understanding of the issue, paving the way to shift it into the complicated domain where solutions can then be standardised.

Taking Action to Regain Control:

In the chaotic domain, the priority is to take decisive action to stem the bleeding and restore stability. Once the situation is stabilised, efforts can be made to shift the issue into the complex domain by analysing patterns and establishing a more systematic approach to problem-solving.

To find out more about how to upskill your leaders in navigating complexity, reach out to us via

Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash









learning & change

Change Leadership Practices

Change is tough. As a leader, steering yourself, your team, or your organisation through it can feel like trekking up a steep mountain blindfolded. Why? Change disrupts our comfort zones. We fear the unknown and resist leaving what’s familiar. Plus, getting everyone on board is a challenge. But change is necessary for survival. This article explores five stances a leader can take to accelerate change adoption.

Explore and Empathise: 

Explore with empathy and understand how the change impacts others. Take time for the people side of change, and you’ll build practical solutions. Change isn’t just about shifting processes and structures; it’s about people. Effective leaders take the time to understand how change impacts individuals personally. By stepping into the shoes of those affected by change, leaders can tailor their support to ease the transition, fostering trust and buy-in.

  • Uncover drives: Get curious about what motivates your stakeholders. The highest quality product or most efficient process is useless if no one buys in. For change to stick, we must design experiences that solve problems for real people.
  • Raise issues: Spot sensitive issues and explore them respectfully. Don’t shy away from discussing tricky topics. Have the courage to explore sensitive issues with your stakeholders, but remember to bring respect and compassion.
  • Listen deeply: Tune in and stay open to learn about the crucial issues. Ask questions, then listen deeply, even to the feedback we don’t like. Resist the urge to justify or sell. Letting go of preconceived ideas can help open quality, two-way dialogue.
  • Build empathy: Shift your viewpoint and connect with other experiences. Immerse yourself in your stakeholders’ world and unearth new design challenges that are key to lasting change.
  • Map perspectives: Build a pool of alternative views to keep the discussion fresh. As we build a picture of how the change might play out, it is vital not to become biased or stuck in a single way of thinking. Bring different perspectives into the discussion to keep things fresh.

Imagine and Prototype: 

Visualise your desired future and open it up to others with courage and honesty. Stay present and make space to start a meaningful dialogue. 

Leaders must dare to dream of a better future and have the courage to share that vision with others. Leaders must create prototypes of their vision, transforming ideas into reality. By leading with honesty and transparency, they motivate others to join them on the path towards change.

  • Share vision: Create and share a compelling vision to inspire action. Build a clear idea of what you want the future to look like and find a way of sharing this with others. As a leader, you need to have a point of view, so work out what yours is.
  • Be honest:  Be clear and direct even when you can’t share everything. Even when the news is bad, it’s better to be fast and fair than to beat around the bush. People respect honesty and transparency, so be upfront and transparent.
  • Stay present: Be mindful and stay open and flexible in pressured situations. Sharing your vision takes courage. Be aware that the whole point is to open a dialogue. Notice people’s reactions, stay in the moment and don’t get distracted. 
  • Don’t react: Allow others to express their concerns, doubts, and anxieties. Remain calm, hold the space, and allow others to process. Ensure the non-negotiables are clear and understood and determine what needs to be decided. 
  • Enrol others: Build on shared aspirations and develop the next steps together. Ask your people to consider what the future might hold for them. Look out for where stakeholder aspirations overlap and explore these opportunities together. Invite others to create the next steps together. 

Plan and Progress: 

Set out the path and take action to create a sense of certainty.

Change without direction is chaos. Leaders must chart a clear path forward, setting actionable steps and milestones. This roadmap provides a sense of certainty and direction, guiding the collective efforts towards the desired destination. Leaders keep the momentum going through decisive action and unwavering commitment, turning aspirations into achievements.

  • Focus forward: Clarify the direction and communicate with certainty. Focus relentlessly on what matters most, and don’t dilute your efforts. Make sure you are clear about your intentions and communicate them with confidence.
  • Don’t blame: Give quality feedback and ensure expectations are clear. Ensure people understand what is expected of them. When things go wrong, don’t blame. Provide specific and objective feedback around behaviour and performance.
  • Balance demands: Look for ways to build mutual benefit and don’t burn out. Leaders often have competing obligations. Look for ways to build mutually beneficial outcomes for all the players and, importantly, look after yourself. Don’t burn out.
  • Follow through: Don’t overcommit, and always deliver on your promises. Meeting your commitments will build credibility and trust. Don’t promise things outside your scope of influence, but be clear on what you can bring to the situation.
  • Stay positive: Deal with issues quickly, and don’t let them pull you down. Things may not always go smoothly, but try to stay positive and work with others to keep things moving forward. Don’t let problems fester. It is better to deal with issues quickly than to let them pull you down. 

Support and Empower:  

Coach and amplify positive behaviours with curiosity and compassion. Create the conditions for others to thrive in complex and changing times.

Change is a team sport. Leaders must coach and mentor their teams and empower them to take ownership of the change process. By amplifying positive behaviours and fostering a culture of curiosity and compassion, leaders create an environment where innovation thrives, and resilience flourishes.

  • Model curiosity: Hold ideas lightly and make space for others. Be curious and explore how things work. Bring a sense of experimentation to discover which mental models and new practices will serve you best.
  • Seek synergy: Redesign the system to solve multiple problems simultaneously. Look out for opportunities to take actions that support several stakeholders at once. Don’t fall into the trap of missing the forest for the trees. Always look for points of leverage on the broader system.
  • Coach and support: Help people take responsibility for their contribution. Support them to learn, improve and change, but don’t disempower them with micromanagement. Encourage others to take responsibility for their personal change process.
  • Extend trust: Set up the conditions for others to find their way forward. Trust others to perform well and find their way. Set them up for success and then step back to allow them to get on with the task at hand.
  • Amplify positives: Notice opportunities to reward and encourage. Successful change is all about making new habits, which takes practice. When individuals lean into this process and begin practising, make sure you catch it and reinforce it appropriately. 

Embed and Sustain: 

Celebrate change with tenacity and humility. Challenge established conventions, let go of power and stimulate continued growth to embed and sustain your change. The journey of change doesn’t end with implementation; it’s just begun. Leaders must celebrate each milestone with tenacity and humility, acknowledging the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. By embedding new practices into the organisational culture, change becomes more than just a temporary shift; it becomes a way of life.

  • Share power: Disperse decision-making where you can to build capacity. Share responsibility and let others make decisions. This approach builds trust and enables your people to learn more about their impact.
  • Prompt growth: Encourage others to seek out development opportunities. Support individuals in extending themselves and building new capabilities. A growth mindset develops when people are skilled learners, supporting change resilience.
  • Stay focused: Reconnect with the vision and maintain the urgency. Sometimes, as we get closer to our goals, the sense of urgency can dissipate, and progress can stall. Deepen your commitment and keep raising standards together with your team.
  • Challenge norms: Stay humble and hungry and look for where to improve. Constantly create opportunities to improve. Make this practice a habit. Create routines that make it easy to ask why and what if. 
  • Celebrate wins: Mark progress and acknowledge shared values and victories. Take the time to recognise your progress and how much positive change you’ve created. Finding the right ways to recognise effort and performance maintains readiness and momentum.

In conclusion, navigating change requires a delicate balance of vision and action, empathy and decisiveness. By embracing these leadership stances and embodying practical strategies, leaders can weather the storms of change and chart a course towards a brighter future for their organisations and teams.

To find out more about how to upskill your leaders in leading change or for support with your next change project, reach out to us via

Photo by Jackman Chiu on Unsplash









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To find out more about how to upskill your leaders in leading collaborative design or for support with your next co-design project, reach out to us via